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Senior Spotlight: Caroline Fish

1. What is your plan in the fall? Attending university? Traveling? Performing? Give me all the deets!!

In the fall, I will be attending University of Virginia with a major in biology!

2. What were your favorite parts/ performance features at Shuffles?

Some of my favorite Shuffles numbers were in last year’s show, Pure Imagination, because I was able to be in iconic Shuffles dances that I had seen older students perform in the years before me. I loved being in Jet Set, A Musical, and Flying Monkeys. I also loved dancing in Opus in No Place Like Home, and I am so excited to perform it again this year!

3. What is your favorite memory from your time at Shuffles?

My favorite memory has been being a part of Studio over the past couple of years. From our Wednesday classes to our always active group chat, it has truly felt like such a community. I also love being backstage during Shuffles shows, because it is always so chaotic but so exciting!

4. How has Shuffles impacted you today?

I have been at Shuffles for 13 years, so the majority of my life. I can truly say that I have no idea what my life would be like without Shuffles. As a little kid, I looked up to the older dancers and wanted to be just like them. Now that I am one of the “older kids,” I have grown as both a person and as a performer. I am louder, more confident, and I know that I want to continue to dance and sing when I go to college. 

Thank you to all of the wonderful teachers and friends who make Shuffles the amazing place that it is!!



Shuffles NYC


48 West 68th street
between Columbus Avenue and Central Park West.

Tel: 212.580.6584

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Website by Adam Vanek & Alexa Racioppi

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