Kira Rizavi Friedland is graduating from the Professional Children’s School and then will be attending NYU’s Clive Davis Institute for her degree in Recorded Music. This summer, she is planning on working on her album and releasing her first single, performing her own original music, and attending Berklee College intensives in songwriting and performing.
Kira says that what she will miss at SHUFFLES is “the beautiful community and amazing staff that have been by my side...since I started out as a little girl. They trained me and groomed me for the professional world and I am forever grateful to my roots and will miss the special feeling with the students.”
She mentions that her favorite SHUFFLES memories include her best friends growing up together and having tap and musical theater back to back—goofing off, telling secrets, and having fun together with not many stresses!
“We all looked forward to every Monday when we got to see each other and I still consider them my best friends to this day!”
Kira says that one lesson she learned at SHUFFLES is to be fearless.
Her goal is to be a pop star, and to go on tour and incorporate her dance training at SHUFFLES into the choreography that accompanies her singing. She wants to make many albums filled with her experiences, tell stories, and collaborate with many influential leaders in the music industry.
When Kira is not dancing, she is spending time with her family, working hard on performing and writing music, doing schoolwork, hiking, cooking, drawing, reading or hanging out with her friends.